Tuesday, July 24, 2012

We are alive/Name that _______ #2

We are alive and moved into our "permanent" home in Shunyi.  Shunyi is an area north east of the city, but still considered Beijing.  I can get into the city limits in under 15-20 minutes by car.  Even though we are so close to the city, it does at times feel so far away.  Life here is much less hectic, more civilized.  Although I feel like I am living in a jungle or something with all the bugs and noises.

Night #1 proved to be a rude awakening.  We are truly in the country and our house is suffering from constantly having workers going in and out.  We had some mosquito issues.  Well, I have had issues.  Nobody else in the family was bitten, thank goodness.  I sustained 12 bites to my face.  I'm surviving, but on some strange Chinese herb topical and a pill that literally makes benadryl seem like taking a cup of coffee.  But I would have done anything to stop the itching and swelling.  Now, six days later, I just look like I have the plague.  Needless to say, I won't be posting pics of this.  I'd like to forget the fact that my nose was twice it's normal size.

Geckos are another uninvited friend in our home.  They are NOT as cute as they are on the Geicko commercial, either.  My ayi says they are normal when a home hasn't been lived in for a while.  Well, eviction has been served.  They need to get out.

Ah, yes... I have an "Ayi".  This literally is translated "Auntie".  She's a hell of an aunt.  She cooks, cleans, watches the kids, does laundry, goes grocery shopping.  It's amazing.  She's extremely underpaid and a commonality here in Beijing.  She makes me typing this blog entry possible.  Her name is Chen and I will write more about her later.

Chen took me to her fruit and vegetable market today.  I wanted to see where she shops and her bargaining.  It was.  Well.  Very native.  And humbling.  Yes, I was the only non-Chinese person there.  Besides my 8 month old.


Here's the owner of this vendor.  Doing his books for the day.

Not sure what all of this is.

Easter bunny ain't got nothing on this.

And it's time to name that (fruit) (veggie) (bug) (whatever I pick).


More to come soon.

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